Young people’s municipality election videos: School food


On this video made by young people, the topic is school food as a municipal election theme. In Vantaa, the level of school food has aroused a lot of discussion and even a municipal initiative has been drawn up to improve it.

In the video interview youth commissioner Filip Godlewski shares his experience of school food discussions.

Video is subtitled in finnish and english. Switch can be done from behind the middle button at the bottom right of the video window from the subtitles menu.

  • Filming and editing: Lotta Haavisto, Antti Kylmänen
  • Journalist: Airik Hopiakangas
  • Subtitles: Airik Hopiakangas

Finland has three general national elections: parliamentary election, municipal election and the presidential election. Next in line in Finland is the municipal election, which will take place in June 2021.

The municipality decides on important common issues close to people, such as schools, sports venues, libraries, transport and construction.

Young people’s municipal election videos: Employment

Young people’s municipal election videos: Mental health

Youth election panel 11.5 2021 (In Finnish)

Municipal election panel 5.5.2021 – children and young people (In Finnish)

Municipal election in Vantaa

Videoarticle in finnish

Avainsanat: , , , , , , , International, Joulukalenteri, Live, Puffi, Sinun videosi, Tapahtumat, Valtuusto, Vantaa-kanava live, Vantaan kehä, Vastaaja